CATALYSTPRIME STUDENT MINISTRIES leads Junior and Senior High students in discovering and living God's dream for their lives. By creating environments for students to experience God, engage with His Word, and learn the power of serving others, we help students learn who God has designed them to be - releasing them from the pressure to be anyone else

COLFAX: Every Wednesday Night, 7 PM at the Hillcrest Campus
DAYTON: 1st and 3rd Sundays, 6:30 PM at 311 S. 4th St.
Summer Camp
Combo Camp: JUL 11 - 15
If you haven't filled out a Transportation Consent Form recently, you can also download that HERE and turn it in with your registration form.


TRIBES is a trip through God's Word from Genesis through Revelation taken over the course of a year. Small Groups of High-School and Jr. High Students meet as part of CATALYSTPRIME to explore God's Word together on a regular basis.

Speed the Light

SPEED-THE-LIGHT: Our students regularly support missionaries around the world through Speed-the-Light. 100% of the offerings received from our students goes to provide vehicles and equipment for our missionaries.