Sundays at 10:00 AM

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Contact Us

Phone: 509.382.1972

Dayton Campus

311 S 4th St.
Dayton, WA 99328

Why Dayton? Does Dayton really need another church?

Great questions. Dayton has a rich history of Gospel ministry and we're excited to be one further chapter in God's story of transforming lives here. Without casting doubt on the effectiveness of any other spiritual communities in Dayton, we believe the unique style of CATALYSTCHURCH reaches into a different group of people in the community. So, to play with words a bit, we feel the Lord has led us not so much to launch just another church in Dayton, but rather, another kind of church.

Who exactly is CATALYSTCHURCH?

We're a multi-site ministry based in Colfax, WA - a city that shares a great deal of cultural similarity with Dayton - that's one of the reasons we decided to get involved here. We are affiliated with the Northwest Ministry Network, which is part of the Assemblies of God. Our affiliation means we have local ownership and control while sharing in the larger strength of the Assemblies of God - the fastest growing movement of Christ-Followers in the Northwest!

Wasn't there an Assemblies of God church here before?

Yes. That ministry was closed down after many years of faithful ministry and countless stories of lives impacted for Jesus. Though we are part of the same larger movement CATALYSTCHURCH is an entirely different ministry with a very different style and flavor.

There used to be crosses out front. Why'd you remove them?

To answer the 'unasked' question behind the question: we are absolutely, 100% a Christ-centered ministry! However, we've made the decision not to use the cross of Jesus as a decoration for our facilities. We aren't big fans of reducing the entirety of the person and work of Jesus Christ (His coming to mankind, His earthly ministry, His sacrificial death on the cross, His resurrection from the dead, and His anticipated return) down to a single image. To be a bit blunt: we worship and serve Jesus, not the cross. We have no problem with the cross, we simply belive it isn't a necessary decor element.

Coffee? In the Sanctuary!?!

Yes. We don't subscribe to the belief that certain rooms in our facility are more 'holy' or special than other rooms. We prefer a relaxed and casual atmposphere and we've found that creating lots of extra rules gets in the way of engaging with God and His Word, the Bible. Spills happen and we clean them up. Sounds like life, huh?

There must be more. Where do I find your beliefs?

Well, if all goes according to plan - you should be able to tell what we believe by looking at the lives of the people who call CATALYSTCHURCH their home. In the mean time, you can find the specifics by CLICKING HERE. Of course, you could always ask, as well - we'd love to have a conversation.